A lightworker's purpose is to help others bring their darkness to light. In order to elevate from darkness/low vibing emotions (hate, fear, anger, sadness) to light/high vibing emotions (love, joy, happiness) - facing your personal stuffed past emotions, and letting them go will help you achieve a healthier happier life.
I use the pendulum energy to tap into the divine, identify your 5D emotional ailments that prohibit you from moving forward in your 3D life. Then, we stimulate an energetic response. Together, we create custom commands that are targeted towards your concerns. These intuitive sessions help identify spiritual and emotional blockages that are the underlying cause of physical pains and ailments.
Every session is unique to each individual and we are able to tap into intuitive guidance so you understand more about the emotions your body has been holding onto.
My goal is to fill that space with Love and Light to find more happiness in life.
AKASHIC PENDULUM: pictured - purchased from Erich Hunter.
Emotional releasing is a natural healing technique used to improve your overall emotional health. It focuses on releasing negative emotions that can result in anxiety, immune depression and even accelerate the aging process. They can also result in “trapped emotions”, or emotional energies that are left behind after an emotionally-charged event. These trapped emotions can cause underlying causes of illnesses that we suffer from. Emotional release allows me to identify what emotion is trapped, where it is trapped within the body, at what age it got trapped, and possibly the event that trapped that specific emotion.
Emotional release typically takes about 30 minutes, depending on how many emotions your body is ready to release. Typically, your body will let you release between 1-10 emotions during a session.
Copyright © 2017 Willow Healing - All Rights Reserved.
Welcome to my website where I offer my herbalism, energy healing, prayer work and intuitive consultations. The information contained on this website and accompanying blogs including ideas, suggestions, techniques, social media postings, methods, classes, private sessions, videos, articles, and other materials are educational and are provided only as general information. It is not professional medical or psychological advice and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or any other medical body. Transmission of the information presented on this website is NOT intended to take place of your healthcare. Your health care is your full responsibility. I also make it very clear that I am a consultant. Ultimately it is your job to use your own discernment with regards to your healthcare and lifestyle.
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